ParaCruz Color Secondary


METRO ParaCruz is Santa Cruz METRO’s ADA Complementary Paratransit service offering accessible door-to-door shared rides for people who are not able to use the bus due to a physical, cognitive, or psychiatric disability.


See further ADA Paratransit Information Here

METRO ParaCruz service is limited to people who have been certified as meeting the strict eligibility criteria described in the ADA.

You can be found eligible even if you live more than three-quarter (¾) miles away from a bus route; however, ParaCruz will only pick-up and drop-off within three-quarter (¾) mile of an operating bus route. You will have to make other arrangements to travel beyond three-quarter (¾) mile of an operating bus route.

If, as a result of a disability, you can never use the fixed route buses under any conditions, you will be determined eligible and “unrestricted.”

If you can use fixed route buses for some trips, you may be determined eligible but “restricted” from those trips that you could make by bus. Restricted eligibility may be based on how your disability is impacted by environmental conditions, such as extreme weather, or may be location specific, such as a destination at the top of a steep hill.

To apply for Paratransit, either call ADAride at 877-232-7433, Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm PST or Click here:

If you are approved, a letter will be sent to you. If for any reason a decision is not made within 21 calendar days, METRO ParaCruz service will be provided until a final decision is made. If you do not agree with the decision, you may appeal the decision to an independent appeals panel (details below).

METRO ParaCruz eligibility is good for a maximum of three years.

Between 60 and 90 days prior to the customer’s eligibility expiration date, a one-page form will be sent to the most current address on file with METRO ParaCruz. The customer is asked to verify that their condition still prevents them from using the fixed route bus and to verify their contact information and mobility device(s).

Temporary Disabilities

Temporary eligibility is provided to customers who have a limited term condition that prevents them from using the METRO bus system. Limited term eligibility may be provided for the expected duration of the disability. Should the disability continue longer than expected, the customer may request an extension of eligibility.

Appealing an Eligibility Determination

Applicants who believe an eligibility determination was made in error may appeal the decision. The applicant may initiate an appeal in writing (forms are included with eligibility denials) within 60 days of the determination.

Address the appeal to:


ADA Ride
950 Dovlen Place Suite #100D
Carson, CA 90746

Prior to your hearing, please provide additional information to assist the panel in making a determination:

  • The reason you believe the determination was incorrect
  • Any information you would like the appeals panel to consider supporting your request

An appeal hearing will be scheduled within 30 days of receipt of the appeal request.